Marbles being pushed into tube


Edit records with one click

Find your leads, acccounts, opps with without the tedious clicks and make updates in split seconds.

No Credit Card needed.
Editing field in field group

Spend less time in Salesforce

Use a modern interface to manage all your leads intuitively and fast. Everything is synced back to Salesforce, so you avoid double work.

Bulk editing in table

Update fields in bulk

Create custom lists and views with fields that are relevant to your workflow and update all of them withing seconds.

Acitivty stream

Eliminate the copy + paste work

Laserfocus syncs seamlessly with your emails, calendar and Salesforce records. It’s the one place for your sales activities.

Marbles running through loop

Start directly on your own

Try Laserfocus for free. It’s ready in seconds and no admin is needed. We ensure the highest security and don’t store your Salesforce data.

Get started for free
No Credit Card needed.

Your Salesforce data stays with you

Our precache technology only loads your Salesforce data onto your local machine. Therefore we don't need to store your Salesforce data which enables the highest security for any Enterprise.

See our security measures here
Enterprise ready security
  • Salesforce OauthSSO
  • GDPRCompliant
  • CCPACompliant

Remove the friction in your sales day

You can see everything you want to work on in an instant. Laserfocus is your one system to organize your day AND contact all your prospects.

Daily overview in Laserfocus app

Daily overview

See all your tasks, reminders and events. Reschedule them with one-click to save you time.

Command line shortcuts

Shortcuts to save time

Use shortcuts to set tasks, reminders and logs from anywhere to stay focused on the work at hand.

Acitivty stream

Better handovers

All activities are shown chronologically in Laserfocus, so your team will have everything for a smooth handover.

Frequently asked questions

Laserfocus helps you become more productive by offering you all the tools you need to close deals with confidence.

Get started for free with 1 Click

Laserfocus is build to save you time in your day-to-day. Start now and get more out of your day.

No Credit Card needed.
The marbles are crossing the finish line.
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